Rotarian – Rotary Club of Elite Orient
Congratulations to Anita Sze, our co-founder, to be one of the Rotarians of Rotary Club of Elite Orient.
“Serve to change lives” is the Rotary theme for 2021-22. Rotary members around the globe are serving humanity by providing clean water to underdeveloped communities, promoting peace in conflict areas, strengthening communities through basic education and literacy, and working to eradicate polio worldwide. All of this brings a global perspective to Rotarians as they seek to make a difference for good by serving in their own local community wherever that is in the world.
Responsibility begins with each person and then extends to working with individuals, groups, communities and the world. Trio Spin Studio, Candy and Anita Sze would like to extend the social responsibility to our warmest Trio Spin community, by using dance and music, all our favourite art forms as a tool to serve and connect to the people who are in need.
P.S. Thank you very much to DG Keith Chow, CP Amy Yeung, IPP Glenn Wu, P Johnson Leung,
Services Director Vincent Kwok and all members of Rotary Club of Elite Orient.
The First Dance 第一隻舞

#第一隻舞(The First Dance)是 #西式婚禮 裡面一個重要嘅環節,由一對新人走到婚禮會場中心,翩翩起舞,同時擔當為嘉賓領舞角色。
兩個人如何一起跳好一隻 #雙人舞 往往用來比喻兩個人如何經營一段婚姻。事實上學習跳 #TheFirstDance 過程中,除了為新人們畢生難忘的 #美好回憶 學習舞步,更重要的是兩個人能夠經歷 #舞蹈 當中 #非言語的溝通技巧,這亦是對將來 #經營婚姻生活 的優良準備。
原來學習 First Dance 可以好親民。新人們就算無舞蹈經驗,都可以在婚禮日前最少6-8星期前參加Trio Spin Wedding Dance 課程,導師會按照新人們挑選的3分鐘樂曲為新人編出的專屬新人的 #WeddingDance,樂曲風格不限,因為Trio Spin有強勁的本地及海外團隊導師和顧問,就算想融合不同國家的舞蹈風格,亦可輕易做到。新人們只需要5小時課堂時間,就可以掌握他們專屬的舞步,創造他們獨有的人生美麗回憶。
新人們在2020年9月預訂 Trio Spin Studio 提供的 Trio Spin Wedding Dance 課程,可以享有先預訂後享受的折扣優惠,課程套票的截止日期為婚禮前一日。
詳情可以聯絡 Candy,+852 9801 8889 (可 WhatsApp)。
Article from Love Chapter – Wedding Planning , Emcee, Makeup & Image, Decoration
Written by: Natalie Fine 內容策展人
First step to Tango
This course is suitable for someone who would like to start your first step to Tango.
For Registration, please follow the procedure in here